“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

                                                                                                                                                                   Proverbs 22:6


The Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church lays great emphasis and importance on the spiritual nurturing of the children by educating them with the values of the Christian life, the contents of the Holy Bible and the Church history. Sunday School also fulfils the threefold task of outreach, assimilation and teaching. It started as Sunday School Samajam in 1931 with the appointment of Puthencavu Geevarghese Mar Philoxenos (the then, Metropolitan of Thumpamon Diocese) as its President and Fr. K. David as the General Secretary. On 15 October 1964, it was rejuvenated to receive its present form as “Orthodox Sunday School Association of the East” (OSSAE).

This spiritual organization functions within the parishes all across the world coming under the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church. The classes are conducted in Malayalam, English and other regional languages for a better understanding of students. Sunday School units operate in the Orthodox Churches both within and outside Kerala. It has a separate wing for the parishes outside Kerala, known as OSSAE-OKR (Outside Kerala Region).

‘OSSAE Ghaziabad’ comes under Delhi Diocese headed by our Metropolitan HG Dr. Youhanon Mar Demetrios. Our Sunday School with around 100 students follow OSSAE – OKR syllabi and exams are conducted every year as per schedule. We follow a curriculum, jointly prepared and published by the Oriental Orthodox Churches which is revised from time to time. The curriculum includes the study of the Old Testament, New Testament, Church history, Writings of Fathers, Doctrines, Religious Lessons and Christian Hymns. The students are divided into various classes from Nursery to XII based on age and the grade they study in their secular education. Board exams are held at the OKR level for classes X and XII. Certificates are issued from the OSSAE-OKR office for bonafide students clearing the board exams.

The year 2020 has been quite unusual, in that the stay-at-home conditions necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic has caused us to change many of the ways that we worship, learn, and share fellowship together. As we look back at the year, we once again saw how God has continued to bless us all in manifold. Through the generosity of the vibrant Almighty, the power of the Holy Spirit and under the guidance of our parish vicar and assistant vicar, we were able to continue to live out our mission. Though responding to the pandemic has brought an array of new challenges but with the sincere support from the OSSAE-OKR office concerning e-resources and also, with the diligent efforts of our teachers, it helped us to resume the Sunday school on the virtual platform.


Various practices are adopted to develop ownership of the students and parents towards Sunday School activities:

  • Old Testament reading by girl students before the Holy Qurbana.
  • Parents Teacher Meeting are conducted every Quarterly.
  • Short Video presentation during the general assembly.
  • Movie shows on social issues and debating skills for senior classes.
  • Participation in community service activities of the church.



  • Arts Competitions: Students showcase their talents by taking part in various competitions like Solo & group Song, Elocution, Essay writing and Quiz Competitions etc. at the unit level. The winners of each item the go on to represent the parish in the competitions held at the diocesan level where other students from parishes, throughout the diocese, participate.
  • OVBS – Orthodox Vacation Bible School: The vacation Bible School conducted during the winter holidays (OVBS) is a very vibrant wing of the O.S.S.A.E. OKR. They publish separate text books, devotional materials, songbooks and CDs for the OVBS every year.
  • Orthodox Faith Fest – Annual Camp: Students from our unit actively participate in an annual 2-day camp organized at the diocese level every year.


Let us become a viable tool and welcome each child as our Christ has welcomed us for the glory of God.


HEADMISTRESS – Mrs Vineeta Varghese

Staff SecretaryMrs Ceejo Jobin

The class-wise allocation of teachers is as follows:

Jesus Kids (Prep) - Anu Mathew
Class I - Mrs Tincy Philip & Shejin Sherin
Class II - Ms Tanya Mariyam Jacob & Sneha Jose
Class III - Mrs Ceejo Jobin
Class IV - Mrs Leena Shaiju
Class V - Ms Jeby Merin Biju
Class VI - Mrs Jeffy Rajan
Class VII - Mrs Vineeta Varghese & Meekha Saji
Class VIII - Ms Elizabeth T. Kurian
Class IX - Mr Johna Pathrose & Eldhose Joseph
Class X - Mr Mathew P V & Bijoy Rajan
Class XI - Mr Merlin P Sajan
Class XII - Ms Tanya Mariyam Jacob


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